Thursday, June 5, 2014

Who Am I?

Who am I? 

It's a question I find myself pondering over all too often.  Do you remember that time when you were a child and you would be lying down on your bed trying to imagine what lies beyond the universe? Well, it turned out that this question would be so much more than just my overactive brain being reluctant to shut down at night. This question has had so much to do with me finding my identity, which I still am doing to this day...

When I was younger, I did not know the Sun was a star. So when I learned that it was from a book I read, I was filled with so much pride for knowing something that my peers did not. Fast forward a few more years, at the age of twelve, I found the most wondrous thing in my life in this book I picked up for a bargain at a book sale. Astronomy: The Definitive Guide To The Universe. I haven't looked back since.

The book that started it all...

The contents...

It's full of spectacular images such as this...

Now that I'm much older (and much wiser than my twelve year old self... I hope), I've come to realise that we're so, so, so tiny when compared to this vast universe we call home. SO tiny. Everyone must have wondered at least once in their life why we were chosen to be put on this tiny planet, at just the right distance from the perfect-sized sun to nurture life, in this exact solar system and in this exact galaxy. Why? Thinking on this scale, doesn't it make you feel so very small?

We're all infinitesimal beings. And wonderfully so!

Proof, you ask of me?

The fact that we know that we're infinitesimal itself is proof enough, don't you think? We, with our tiny hands and limited physical abilities, have seen the furthest stars and galaxies of this universe. We have built monstrous machineries to do our biddings, we've charted the plains beneath our oceans without ever having seen it face-to-face, we have harvested the power of something intangible to our senses and made out of it dangerous weaponries that won us wars. And we have suffered through the evils of it to come out stronger. What more, we continue to fight every day, never satiated with the glories of our past and ever thirsty for achieving greater heights.

I for one think that the greatest story ever told is of our survival through the passage of time. And I want to explore it by writing about it. I am not going to limit myself to any topic in particular because I'm fascinated by all great things that we have done. In writing down all my thoughts, I hope to discover at least a clue to the puzzle of my identity.

Who am I? I am infinitesimal and I am proud of it.

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